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My Oldest Son’s Food Allergy Adventure!

by Erin on August 28, 2012

When I had my son 12 yrs ago, he was perfect!  After about a month he started having cradle cap and then ezcema.  I was nursing him at the time.  At 3 months I had to stop nursing him and switch to formula.  We tried a whole lot of different kinds, and then finally found Neocate. It had to be ordered through a pharmacy.

As he began eating baby foods it was really scary as some of them would make him break out in hives from head to toe!  That’s when I realized he needed to get tested for food allergies.  He was tested and we learned he was allergic to almost everything!  Throughout the years it has been such a challenge especially when he started school.  He does good on rice, chicken, peas, carrots, pork, turkey and several other fruits and vegetables.  It doesn’t cost a lot more on my grocery list to feed him as I incorporate his meals into our dinners.  I also have a 2 year old that is allergic to milk so he drinks soy milk now as well.

Thank you for sharing your food allergy story!  What tips do any of you have for keeping the costs down on meals when incorporating food allergies?

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Gratefulfoodie September 3, 2012 at 8:22 pm

One of my favorite food allergy shopping budgeting task is ordering online items together with friends so we can enjoy free shipping from sites that require minimum spending amounts. Not only do we save on shipping but it gives us a great reason to bop in on Food Allergy friends to share recipes and catch up on our busy lives.


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