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Allergic to Corn

by Erin on July 31, 2012

I am allergic to corn and it’s next to impossible to not have it in your diet unless you grow your own vegetables! It has a billion and one names and now it’s in our gas and plastic containers! But it’s not on the deadly allergy list since they say it’s rare. I know of 2 other people besides me that are allergic to corn and I’m related to one on our mother’s sides. I loathe the Corn Sugar commercials saying your body doesn’t know the difference! Well mine sure does and I like breathing properly, not breaking out in hives on my face, and being constipated!

Thank you for sharing your food allergy story.  Corn IS found in so many products!  You definitely have to read labels so carefully and like you mentioned…know all the different names of it!

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