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Our Food Allergy Story

by Erin on October 2, 2012

Our son is 16 and we have known about his allergies since he was 6 months old. These food allergies include: peanuts, walnuts, fish, shellfish, bananas, mango, kiwi, while only being able to eat peas in limited amounts.  Unfortunately, his allergy to peanuts is airborne making it especially dangerous in public places like school.  Thus, we homeschooled from the time he was 8 until 16. He just recently started taking a few classes at our local high school, but we still homeschool. He also does online college classes. It has been hard and we have had some scares, but I guess you just learn to take each reaction and learn what you can from it.

Thanks for sharing your food allergy story.  Anyone else have experiences with airborne food allergies?

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